
Times are hard and we want to facilitate as much as possible for the SRUK/CERU Members to come to the Symposium and fully engage with the range of exciting activities we are planning. 

To this end, a number of microgrants (first come, first served) are available to cover part of the travel expenses of SRUK/CERU regular members presenting their work at the Symposium, either in the form of an oral presentation or a poster.

If further funding from sponsors becomes available, we will provide microgrants to the rest of the attendees to the Symposium, starting with the Student Members that live further away. So please, keep your receipts safe as you might still be able to benefit from a microgrant!

You can apply for a microgrant from the Members Zone of the SRUK/CERU webpage. The deadline to apply is the 6th July 2023.

What is covered by a microgrant and what do you need to provide us with?

The expenses to be covered by SRUK/CERU will be determined based on the following percentages of the travel costs:

Range of prices for
open return tickets (£)
Percentage of price covered
by an SRUK/CERU microgrant

For example, if your open return train ticket costs £40, SRUK/CERU will cover 60% of the price, and thus will reimburse you £24. 

Please note that we recommend you to book your train tickets in advance as SRUK/CERU will not reimburse for cost associated with 1st Class tickets. We highly encourage travelling using public transport (if possible) to reduce the collective carbon footprint (i.e., trains, buses, etc.). If you are coming by car, please try to be more environmentally friendly by sharing any free spaces you may have with other attendees from your constituency. For reimbursement of car trips, petrol expenses will be calculated according to the UK government’s recommendations, and you will be partially reimbursed depending on your expenditure following the percentages detailed in the table above.

Please note that only VAT receipts or invoices will be accepted as justification to claim the costs of your travel. A VAT receipt shows details of the sale including the tax date, the supplier’s VAT registration number, and the amount paid for the goods or services. Most importantly, it will show the amount of VAT that the supplier has charged you (if applicable). Delivery notes, letters, or email correspondence are not valid VAT receipts and you cannot reclaim VAT using these documents. If in doubt, please check with us in advance to confirm the validity of your receipts.

If you wish to know more about the microgrants, please contact the Organising Committee.