Abstract Submission

Abstract submission is now CLOSED!

Would you like to present your research and share it with other SRUK/CERU members?  We invite you to submit your abstract for a short presentation and/or a poster to the X International Symposium SRUK/CERU in London between the 7th and the 9th of July. All topics and research disciplines are welcome! Works that highlight Forging Connections – e.g., were the result of an internship or visit to another lab, facilitated new discoveries, etc. – are most encouraged!

Please, note that only abstracts from SRUK/CERU members will be considered. Learn about all the advantages of becoming a member on the SRUK/CERU webpage.

Abstracts should be submitted through the Members Zone of the SRUK/CERU webpage. The submission deadline is the 30th April.

A number of microgrants (first come, first served) are available to cover part of the travel expenses of SRUK/CERU members presenting their work at the Symposium. Check the microgrants page for more information, terms, and conditions. 

If you have any queries regarding the process or abstract submission, please contact the Organising Committee.